
Chameleons colourful and unique

Chameleons (Chamaeleonidae) are best known for being colourful and unique, in addition to their exotic colours and ability to change them. However, they are also known for their exciting body features with crests and crowns, curled tails, grasping feet, unusual walking gait, and googly swivelling eyes. Chameleons are part of the Old-World Lizard species with evolutionary roots dating over 61 million years ago. Moist tropical rainforests and savannahs are the ideal habitats for chameleons. However, they can also live in […]

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Madagascar a great adventure

Exploring Madagascar: A land of lemurs, baobabs, and chameleons. Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world. Situated off the southeast coast of Africa,  its land size is  587,041 sq. km. Its population is 25 million. The capital city is Antananarivo, known to the locals as Tana. Madagascar is a land of lemurs, baobabs, and chameleons The official language is Malagasy, with French as their second language. Many people also speak English, and they refer to themselves as Malagasy. […]

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(c) Margaret Weiss 2020