Monthly:August 2022

Middlehurst Station

I recently attended an Art Photography Workshop at Middlehurst Station with Peter Eastway and Tony Hewitt.  Both of whom are exceptional Australian landscape photographers.  Each year, they hold two back-to-back workshops at this fantastic hidden gem in the Marlborough Region of the South Island, New Zealand. Consequently, the focus of the workshops is landscape photography and post-processing sessions. In addition, there is excellent food and incredible local wines. Middlehurst is an ideal setting for landscape photography, with 360° views of the rivers, […]

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North Island Kaka

New Zealand Kākā 

The New Zealand Kākā (Nestor meridionalis) is a large, lively and noisy parrot found in the native forests of New Zealand. There are two subspecies, the North Island Kākā and the South Island Kākā. Interestingly, both have olive-brown feathers with crimson feathers under their wings. However, there are slight differences, such as the South Island Kākā has brighter feathers and a paler grey crown. It is also slightly larger, whereas the North Island Kākā is more olive-brown. In Māori, the word Kākā means […]

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(c) Margaret Weiss 2020