Monthly:August 2023

Termite Mounds in Africa: Nature’s Vantage Points for Lions, Leopards, and Cheetahs

Africa is home to an extraordinary array of wildlife, including the majestic big cats that roam its savannas and grasslands. Humble termite mounds is one interesting and unexpected asset the big cats utilise. Termite mounds appear throughout the savannahs and grasslands of Africa. In effect, termite mounds consist of intricate internal structures crafted by the dedicated labour of termites. Moreover, these architectural wonders can rise several meters high and contain elaborate networks of tunnels and chambers hidden beneath their exteriors. […]

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Survival Tactics: How Leopards Whiskers Enhance Their Adaptability.

Leopards (Panthera pardus) is one of nature’s most captivating animals with unparalleled beauty, graceful demeanour, and long, luxurious whiskers. The whiskers (vibrissae) are an intriguing feature that often goes unnoticed. With their graceful gait and distinctive rosette-spotted coats, leopards are truly fascinating animals. A leopard’s whiskers are part of their survival tactics and enhance their adaptability. In addition, whiskers are crucial to a leopard’s survival and prowess as an apex predator.  When observing leopards’ natural habitats, it becomes apparent how in […]

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(c) Margaret Weiss 2020