Monthly:April 2024
New Zealand is renowned for its stunning landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and unique wildlife. Among the many avian inhabitants that grace the shores of this island nation, the New Zealand Pied Shag (kāruhiruhi), also known as a cormorant, stands out as a remarkable and enigmatic species. There are about 36 species of shags worldwide. There are twelve species of Pied Shags found in New Zealand. Eight of these species are endemic to New Zealand. Size The Plumage of New Zealand Pied […]
Penguins are one of the most fascinating and unique species in the world. They are known for their adorable waddling walk and ability to swim gracefully through the icy waters of the Antarctic and the Southern Hemisphere. However, many people are unaware of the penguin’s aquatic adaptations and don’t know that penguins were once capable of flying at one point in their evolutionary history. The Evolution The evolution of penguins can be traced back around 60 million years ago, during […]