Monthly:February 2021
Haines, Alaska, is known as The Valley of the Eagles. This is due to the large annual influx of bald eagles that descend on this location every November. Located at the northern end of North America’s longest and deepest glacial fjord, the Lynn Canal. Haines sits on a peninsular between the Chilkoot and Chilkat Rivers. The Chilkat (Tlingit) Indians called the area Dei Shu, which means End of the Trail. About Haines, Alaska, is a small town of 53.6 sq. […]
There are two species of hippopotamus International Hippopotamus Day 2021 is 15th February, honouring the hippopotamus. While the origins of International Hippopotamus Day are unknown, as with all animal awareness days, it is an opportunity to learn more about this water-loving animal. The large common hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) lives in around 30 African countries. The smaller cousin of the pygmy hippopotamus (Choeropsis liberiensis) is native to West Africa and is now classified as an endangered mammal. common hippopotamus Hippopotami are […]
Australian pelicans (Pelecanus conspicillatus) are waterbirds. Pelicans live in wetlands, waterways, lagoons, swamps, rivers, lakes and coastlines throughout Australia. Australian pelicans are the largest flying birds. Furthermore, they are very adaptable birds living in fresh and saltwater. They are very sociable, living in large colonies of up to 40,000 birds. These beautiful birds are among the largest flying birds in the world. Appearance Australian Pelicans are primarily white with black tips on their wings and tail. They have a streak […]
The Galapagos Islands are a nature paradise with a sordid and scandalous history. They are 950 km off the coast of Ecuador and were discovered in 1535. As a regular stopover for whaling ships, they became a place to pick up much-needed provisions. However, in 1832, Ecuador claimed the Islands and continued to control them. Additionally, they were a popular fishing spot for Ecuadorian fishermen and also used as a penal colony. The Galapagos Islands have several active volcanoes. Some […]