Monthly:December 2020

World Monkey Day 2020

December 14th is a day to celebrate all our “monkey” friends and non-human primates (apes, tarsiers and lemurs).  monkey and primate family tree About Monkeys Monkeys are cute and very entertaining. They have large brains, are highly intelligent and very vocal, making various sounds depending on their situation. In addition, they are very humanlike in so many ways. For example, opposing thumbs, using tools (sticks and rocks) to perform many tasks, using leaves to scoop up water to drink, showing […]

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Iceland Horse sharpening its teeth

National Day of the Horse 2020

Every year, December 13th is the National Day of the Horse. Humans and horses have shared a strong relationship for many thousands of years. Therefore, as a result, horses have substantially contributed to the world both economically and culturally.  Humans began domesticating horses around 3000 BC in Kazakhstan and Russia. Once domesticated, they were introduced to the Near East around 2300 BC. Traditionally, horses have been used for farming, pulling wagons, chariots, carts, and riding since around 2000 BC. In […]

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Wildlife Conservation Day 2020

Wildlife Conservation Day is celebrated on December 4th every year. Overall, this relate to the protection of plants, and all animal species and their habitats. Moreover, conservation efforts are made to preserve nature and endangered species for future generations. Animal welfare definition “Animal welfare refers to the animal’s physical and mental state. It considers how an animal is coping with the conditions in which it lives. An animal is in a good state of welfare if (as indicated by scientific […]

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International Cheetah Day

December 4th is International Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) Day. A day to honour and raise awareness for the ongoing threats that cheetahs face daily. The word “cheetah” comes from the Hindi word “Chita”, meaning “spotted one”.  Cheetah habitats Cheetahs once lived throughout the Asian and African continents. However, their numbers have significantly reduced and are now confined to the dry open grasslands of Sub-Saharan Africa, mainly in natural reserves and national parks. Cheetah facts The cheetah has a small head with high-set […]

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(c) Margaret Weiss 2020