Monthly:February 2022

Somalisa Camp, the home of the elephants

Somalisa Camp, the home of the elephants, is in Hwange National Park (HNP). Without a doubt, it is a land of contrasts, from dense teak and acacia forests to vast open golden savannahs. This camp is a place that offers guests the opportunity to see some of the raw and diverse Africa. HNP is Zimbabwe’s most visited safari park because it is so close to Victoria Falls. It is the largest NP in Zimbabwe at around 15,000 sq. km. Water […]

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Vultures nature’s cleanup crew

Vultures are nature’s cleanup crew. When one thinks of vultures, several connotations spring to mind. Specifically, scavengers, ugly, gross, vulgar, dirty and diseased, to name a few. We have all seen how these birds circle the sky before descending onto a carcass and devouring them. As an illustration of the image below, vultures’ heads are often covered in blood and guts. For this reason, vultures have earned themselves some unflattering names, such as cleanup crew and nature’s undertakers. Most people […]

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(c) Margaret Weiss 2020