
Wadi Rum in 24 hours

Wadi Rum is known as ‘The desert of Mountains’. It lies in the south of Jordan and is an area of stunning red and white sand. It’s a place of massive mountains, rising majestically from the desert sands. Made famous by British officer T.E. Lawrence, who was based in Wadi Rum during the Great Arab Revolt in 1917-1918,  it was also the setting for the movie Lawrence of Arabia. Vast Deserts In contrast to the many tourists visiting the region, Wadi Rum […]

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Jordan Petra Little Petra Wadi Rum

Three days in Jordan

On a recent trip to Israel, I decided to do a side trip and spend three days in Jordan. My destination was the UNESCO site of Petra and Wadi Rum. LITTLE PETRA – also known as Al Beidha Little Petra is a UNESCO world heritage site.  It was declared in 1985 and is situated 5km from the City of Petra. Little Petra is hidden away in the centre of a sandstone mountain. The only entrance and exit to Little Petra […]

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(c) Margaret Weiss 2020