Israel’s Cat-astrophe

Israel has a significant cat problem, with approximately two million street cats. At the current rate of street cat reproduction, the cat population will overtake the human population in the next few years. The density of street cats in Israel’s cities is one of the highest in the world. It is estimated there are 2,000 cats per km². While cats are great vermin controllers, they are also causing significant damage to wildlife, such as birds, reptiles, lizards, geckos, and mammals. 

They are everywhere: in cities, towns, trees, under and on top of cars, hiding behind trees and fences, and hanging around outdoor markets, restaurants and cafes – Israel has street cats everwhere!. 

Cat History

During the 1930s, the British introduced cats to Palestine (now Israel). The British believed the cats would solve the rat plague problem in the country, which they did. However, the cats reproduced prolifically; consequently, the street cat population increased significantly. With a very mild climate in Israel, it is favourable for cats to live outdoors and reproduce.

Female cats can have up to three litters annually, and cats begin reproducing from 6 months of age. Most litters produce up to 9 – 15 kittens. In addition to Israel’s favourable climate, there is an abundance of food scraps in gutters and overflowing garbage bins, as many people throw food scraps out on the streets to feed the cats.

Street cats are also the offspring of domestic cats whose owners don’t neuter their cats. As a result, many kittens are abandoned and become street cats. Unfortunately, these kittens, along with all the other street cats, have never lived with humans and are skittish and fearful of humans. As a result, they remain elusive and challenging to catch. 

Cats are natural predators

Cats are natural and opportunistic predators, be it feral or domestic cats. When food sources are scarce, cats will resort to hunting. For example, cats prey on rats, mice, birds, lizards, snakes, and other small mammals and insects.

Ecosystem imbalance

This impacts the balance in the ecosystem. For example, birds and reptiles control the insect population, preventing extensive damage to farmers’ crops. The cats decimating the bird and reptile population impacts the normal functioning ecosystem.


Sadly, Israel’s street cat’s life is very short. Approximately 75 – 90% of cats will die within their first year, and the remainder have a lifespan of only 3 – 4 years. In comparison, domestic cats can live up to 10-15 years. 

Deaths occur due to disease, vehicle collisions and dog attacks. In addition, unvaccinated street cats are reservoirs for numerous illnesses, some of which affect humans and other animals. 

Diseases include heartworm, toxoplasmosis, cat scratch fever, leukemia, leptospirosis, mumps, rabies, kidney disease, ringworm, herpes, dental infections, salmonellosis, numerous parasites, and many other contagious infections. 

These diseases can spread to wildlife that comes in contact with street cats. Most street cats are unvaccinated for feline diseases. Additionally, domestic cats are at high risk of infections from stray cats, causing illness and increased veterinary bills for owners. 

Untreated infections following street fights between domestic and street cats can cause urinary tract infections and abscesses, resulting in slow and painful deaths. Street cats are prone to dental issues whereby they lose teeth and cannot eat, causing malnutrition and starvation.

Community cares

Many people do not consider street cats a problem. Some refer to street cats as their “community cats”, while others refer to them as ‘feral cats’ or ‘free-roaming cats’. As I walked around the streets, cats were everywhere in varying health states. However, many people genuinely care for the street cats and feed them. People leave food and water around the streets, and locals feed the cats at regular times of the day. 

Many people complain about the excess cat food left on the ground and their droppings, creating a sanitation problem. In addition, excess food attracts more rodents, jackals, and ravens, which add to the community pest problem.


To protect the street cats of Israel, the Israeli Government implemented an Animal Cruelty Act in 1994 to prevent animal cruelty. This Act also forbids any mass extinction of any stray animals.

On the other hand, there is a religious aspect to be considered. Jewish law prohibits cruelty to animals. In Islam, animals are positioned in the creation hierarchy, and humans are responsible for their well-being and food. Christianity forbids animal cruelty and demands mercy toward all creatures. Each faith has a moral and humane obligation toward the cat problem.

Many animal activist groups want the cats trapped, neutered, and released (TNR) back into the community. The treated cats have their ears clipped for identification. The street cat population continues to increase despite some attempts at controlling their numbers.


To date, there appears to be no united and effective solution to control and improve the street cat problem in Israel. It is a very emotional issue and one of heated debate. 

Cat lovers want to keep them. Angry neighbours want them gone. Rescue organisations want to save them. Wildlife organisations want them gone as they are a danger to wildlife. Others wish the cats should be trapped, captured, and euthanised. Unfortunately, animal shelters do not have the resources to care for stray cats.  

One such suggestion is that people should stop feeding the street cats and keep garbage bins closed to reduce the population. But unfortunately, it would only end up starving the cats, adding more suffering to their short, sad, and miserable lives. 

If sterilisation and euthanasia are not considered humane by some, how is starving the strays and letting them die on the streets from painful diseases any better?

It is a moral, religious, communal, government and wildlife dilemma on how to deal with the strays in Israel. Meanwhile, the stray cat population continues to increase. The difficulty will continue until a united solution to managing the street cats of Israel is agreed upon.

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(c) Margaret Weiss 2020